The One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars, and the Earth, the Reckoner of Time and Seasons.
Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Culture
The One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars, and the Earth, the Reckoner of Time and Seasons.
How and why the Great Pyramid was built has been puzzling man for 4,500 years and many believe that even with our 21st-century technology, we…
In this episode, we discuss the second month of the season of Axt, the month of the inundation of the Nile, and the month of…
The prayer to the god Thoth for skill in writing, known as Papyrus Anastasi V, is inscribed in Hieratic on papyrus, dated to c. 1150,…
The pronunciation of Ancient Egyptian is one of great debate, with Egyptologists, Linguists, and enthusiasts providing interpretations and opinions as to how ancient Egyptian language…
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In this episode of Ancient Egyptian Literature, we are delving into the Battle of Kadesh, a monumental military action between Rameses the Great and the…
In this episode, we discuss the first month of the season, Axt, which is the month of txy. This month is patroned by the nTr…
Our festival reenactments for the hrw Hryw rnpt and wpt rnpt begin July 14 at approximately 8 AM PDT on YouTube Live. Subscribe to our…
One of the highlights of the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade on 3 April 2021 was the Pride of Isis performed by Egypt’s United Philharmonic Orchestra and…