A discussion of the nTr.w deities and Ax.w ancestors that are mythically considered to have ruled the most ancient Egypt.
Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Culture
A discussion of the nTr.w deities and Ax.w ancestors that are mythically considered to have ruled the most ancient Egypt.
Instruction of Ptahhotep is an ancient literary work attributed to Ptahhotep, a vizier under King Isesi of the Egyptian Fifth Dynasty ca. 2414-2375 BCE. It…
Horus and Seth are contending for 80 years for the office of the deceased Pharaoh Osiris the father of Horus and brother of Seth.
The Ptolemaic era story of the book of Thoth, written by the god of knowledge and writing and the prince’s son Nefer-ka-ptah, whose obsession with…
Rameses II was the longest-reigning Pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Learn of his life as Pharaoh, dealings with the Hittites, the Battle of Kadesh, his great…
Shu is the son of Ra and the god of wind, air, and light.
Ra becomes old and sees mankind conspiring against him. So he sends his eye to Hathor, who becomes Sekhmet in his rage at the betrayal.
A discussion of the sun-God Ra or Re, the concepts of his essence, the prominence of his worship, myths, and hymns.
An ancient Egyptian Tale from the Papyrus Westcar that tells of the Old Kingdom Pharaoh Khufu hears his sons tell him of the wisdom of…
Horus Behdety tells his father, Ra-Horakhty, that Seth’s followers are conspiring against him, and he becomes the winged disk to punish them.