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Beginning of Time – End of Eternity: Calendar of Ancient Egypt

July 26, 2024
  • Good, Morning and Day, Combative Night

    July 26, 2024

    Good, Morning and Day, Combative Night Anyone born this day will die shipwrecked on water

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 8

    July 26, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 8

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  • The Natjrw navigate the Nnw

    July 26, 2024

    The Natjrw (gods) navigate the Nnw (Nun)

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July 27, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    July 27, 2024

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 9

    July 27, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 9

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  • Pacifying the hearts of those on the Horizon in front of His Majesty, Rع.

    July 27, 2024

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July 28, 2024
  • Going forth of Hadj-Hatap

    July 28, 2024

    Going forth of Hadj-Hatap (God of weaving).

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  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    July 28, 2024

    Those born on this day will die honored

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 10

    July 28, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 10

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July 29, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    July 29, 2024

    Do not kindle fire. Do not copulate. Do not look at a bull.

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  • Going forth of the RakaH warat

    July 29, 2024

    Going forth of the RakaH warat (great burning), the fire-spitting cobra goddess.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 11

    July 29, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 11

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July 30, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    July 30, 2024

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  • Crews of the two boats are separated at sunset by Rع

    July 30, 2024

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 12

    July 30, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 12

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July 31, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day, Combative Night

    July 31, 2024

    Anyone born on this day will die of blindness.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 13

    July 31, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 13

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  • Massacre of Marat maHayat

    July 31, 2024

    Massacre of Marat maHayat (beloved of Lower Egypt), Goddess of music and dance.

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August 1, 2024
  • Good, Morning and Day, Combative Night

    August 1, 2024

    Offer to the Natjrw (gods) of the city

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 14

    August 1, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 14

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  • Offering A'bat عat in pat rasyat

    August 1, 2024

    Offering A'bat عat (funerary offerings) in pat rasyat (southern sky).

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  • Wa'ag and Djahutya Festival

    August 1, 2024

    Wa'ag and Djahutya (Thoth) Festival
    A combining of the Wa'g Festival dedicated to the death of A'sir (Osiris) and honoring the ka'w (spirits) of the deceased on their journey in the afterlife with the birth of the Natjar (god) Djahutya and centered on rejuvenation and rebirth in the afterlife. Djahutya is patron of the month Takhya and records the judgment of the dead by A'sir, thus linking the two Natjrw (gods). Djahutya's birth and A'sir's rebirth in the afterlife were joined in this festival from the latter part of the Old Kingdom onwards. During this festival, people would make small boats out of papyrus and set them toward the west at tomb entrances to indicate the death of A'sir and people would float shrines of papyrus on the waters of the Nile for the same reason.

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August 2, 2024
  • Good Morning, Combative Day and Night

    August 2, 2024

    Hanw (rowers) are on the river, do not proceed in a boat today.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 15

    August 2, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 15

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  • Rage of the Satash animal in Djat

    August 2, 2024

    Rage of the Satash (Seth) animal in Djat (eternity).

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August 3, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    August 3, 2024

    Those born today will die by a crocodile

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 16

    August 3, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 16

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  • Sanat by Nat

    August 3, 2024

    Sanat (lunar festival) by Nat (Neith)

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August 4, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 4, 2024

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 17

    August 4, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 17

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  • MaHyat offering is taken from the mouth of Sabak

    August 4, 2024

    MaHyat (fish) offering is taken from the mouth of Sabak (Sobek).

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August 5, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 5, 2024

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 18

    August 5, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 18

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  • The brother of Har is at the sabakhat

    August 5, 2024

    The brother of Har - Horus (Satash) is at the sabkhat (portal)

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August 6, 2024
  • Ba'bya is accompanied by 77 black dogs

    August 6, 2024

    Ba'bya is accompanied by 77 black dogs --Ch. Beatty I, iii, 10, 12; Leiden magical Pap., p. 99, No. 6)
    Ba'bya is a fierce Baboon Natjr (god) attested from the Old Kingdom in Pyramid Texts. Connected to male sexual power, his penis is the mast of the barque of Rع
    Unis is Ba'ba'ya, lord of the night sky, the bull of baboons, in whose
    absence one lives. - Pyramid Text 225
    Back, Ba'bya with red ear and scarlet anus! You have ferried to your mouth the haunch belonging to your Natjrat (goddess) of the sedan chair - Pyramid Text 496
    Ba'bya has stood up to meet the Foremost of Letopolis: let the (poison) spit stop of the one whose trampling is desired, youwhose trampling is desired. - Pyramid Text 184
    Pull back, Ba'bya’s penis! Open, heaven’s door! - Pyramid Text 218
    Now that Unis has swept away the night and Unis has sent off the hour-stars, the controlling powers will appear and privilege Unis as Ba'bya. - Pyramid Text 225

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  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 6, 2024

    Burn incense for the follwers of Rع in His Maskatat (day-barque) and His Mandjat (night-barque).

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 19

    August 6, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 19

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  • The Pasadjat war is in festivity in front of Rع.

    August 6, 2024

    The Pasadjat war (great Ennead) is in festivity in front of Rع.

    The Pasadjat war is the nine great Natjrw (gods) of the paradigm of Iwnw (Heliopolis) under Rع (Ra the sun god). They consist of: Shw (Shu), Tafanat (Tefnut), Gabb (Geb, Seb), Nwat (Nut), A'sir (Osiris), Har Khanatya na Ma'عatya (Horus Foremost of Judgment), Satash (Seth), A'sat (Isis), and Nabat Hwt (Nephthys).

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August 7, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    August 7, 2024

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  • Festival of Takh

    August 7, 2024

    Festival of Takh (Drunkenness)

    Hwt Har (Hathor) returns to Man nafar (Memphis) after her raging as Sakhamat (Sekhment, she the powerful) in the Dasharat (Red Land, Desert) as told in the Destruction of Mankind.

    Listen to Kamat Radio - Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt - The Destruction of Mankind

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 20

    August 7, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 20

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  • The Warw of Shamعw are at A'bdjw; and the Warw of MaHw are at Djadw

    August 7, 2024

    The Warw (Great Ones) of Shamعw (Upper Egypt) are at A'bdjw (Abydos); and the Warw (Great Ones) of MaHw (Lower Egypt) are at Djadw (Busiris).

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August 8, 2024
  • Good Morning, Combative Day and Night

    August 8, 2024

    Do not kill a bull, or buy one on this day.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 21

    August 8, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 21

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August 9, 2024
  • Combative, Morning Day and Night

    August 9, 2024

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  • Every Natjar and Natjarat has entered belly of R'a they were vomited out. Their bodies became fish, and their ba'aw became birds

    August 9, 2024

    Every Natjar (god) and Natjarat (goddess) has entered belly of R'a (sun god); they were vomited out. Their bodies became fish, and their ba'aw (spirits) became birds.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 22

    August 9, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 22

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August 10, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    August 10, 2024

    Do not burn incense, nor kill or eat Ankha'ay-snake, or any birds. Do not listen to singing nor dancing.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 23

    August 10, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 23

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August 11, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 11, 2024

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 24

    August 11, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 24

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  • Rع sails with favorable wind. He settles his body, his heart especially. He then is in maskatat and rising in Mandjat for the honored one

    August 11, 2024

    Rع (sun god) sails with favorable wind. He settles his body, his heart especially. He then is in maskatat (day barqe) and rising in Mandjat (night barque) for the honored one.

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August 12, 2024
  • Good, Morning Day and Night

    August 12, 2024

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 25

    August 12, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 25

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  • Sakhamat goes east as the lioness, repelling the followers of Satash

    August 12, 2024

    Sakhamat (Sekhmet, She the Powerful) goes east as the lioness, repelling the followers of Satash (Seth).

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August 13, 2024
  • I A'khat Takhya Day 26

    August 13, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 26

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  • The enemies of Har embraced as they were turned into habnya in Djat for 3 days & 4 nights. The Masan was evoked, given by A'sat to her son who became aloof from her like an A'bya

    August 13, 2024

    The enemies of Har (Horus) embraced as they were turned into habnya (ebony) in Djat (eternity) for 3 days & 4 nights. The Masan (harpoon) was evoked, given by A'sat (Isis) to her son who became aloof from her like an A'bya (Leopard).

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August 14, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 14, 2024

    Anyone born this day will die in peace and satisfaction. Do not kill عnkha'ya snakes today.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 27

    August 14, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 27

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  • Peace Between Har and Satash

    August 14, 2024

    Peace Between Har (Horus) and Satash (Seth)

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August 15, 2024
  • I A'khat Takhya Day 28

    August 15, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 28

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  • The Natjaru are happy when they see the children of Nuat peaceful and content.

    August 15, 2024

    The Natjaru (gods) are happy when they see the children of Nuat ((Nut), the five Natjaru A'sir (Osiris), Har Khanatya na Ma'atya (Horus Foremost of Judgment), Satash (Seth), A'asat (Isis), and Nabat Hut (Nephthys)) peaceful and content.

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August 16, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 16, 2024

    Do not burn the hand with ointment today.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 29

    August 16, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 29

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August 17, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 17, 2024

    Anything you see today will be good.

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  • I A'khat Takhya Day 30

    August 17, 2024

    First month of the season A'khat (Inundation) month of Takhy (drunkenness) Day 30

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  • III mansions, I each of: Rع, A'sir and Har

    August 17, 2024

    III mansions, I each of: Rع (Tomorrow) A'sir (Yesterday) and Har (Today)

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August 18, 2024
  • Festival of PtaH - Patron of the month Mankhat

    August 18, 2024

    Festival of PtaH (Ptah) Patron of the month of Mankhat (cloth). PtaH is the chief god at Man nafar (Memphis), together with his consort Sakhamat (Sekhmet, Sakhmet) and child nafar itamw (nefertem, nefertum).
    PtaH is known in the Shabaka stone as PtaH South-of-His-Wall, and PtaH of Tatenen (primordial mound).
    The Natjr (god) was also declared in the stone as 'self created, so says Itamw (Atum) creator of the Pasadjat war (Great Ennead), and in fact created Itamw, putting him as foremost of the creator gods.
    He is also said in the stone to have separated Har (Horus) and his father's brother Satash (Seth), and bestowed upon certain inheritances of land, specifically the black locality (Kamat) for Har and the red locality (Dasharat) for Satash.

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  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 18, 2024

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  • Hab Manakhat

    August 18, 2024

    Hab Manakhat - Festival of Cloth

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 1

    August 18, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 1

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  • The Pasadjat war in festivity, establishing heritage of the great one Har

    August 18, 2024

    The Pasadjat wr (great Ennead) in festivity, establishing heritage of the great one Har (Horus)
    It commemorates the establishment of Har (Horus) as the son of A'sir (Osiris) and heir to his crown and cartouche.

    The Pasadjat war is the nine great Natjrw (gods) of the paradigm of Iwnw (Heliopolis) under Rع (Ra the sun god). They consist of: Shw (Shu), Tafanat (Tefnut), Gabb (Geb, Seb), Nwat (Nut), A'sir (Osiris), Har Khanatya na Ma'عatya (Horus Foremost of Judgment), Satash (Seth), A'sat (Isis), and Nabat Hwt (Nephthys).

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  • wapat Rع

    August 18, 2024

    wpat Rع (Opening of Ra) First of the month and its festival

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August 19, 2024
  • Day of Horus suffering from His buttocks

    August 19, 2024

    Day of Har (Horus) suffering from His buttocks. Offer qababut (cold water) and honey to Har (Horus) son of A'asir (Osiris) and Aa'sat (Isis).

    From the Judgment of Har and Satash (Seth):

    "Then Satash told Har: Come, let us make holiday in my house." Har told him: "I will do so, surely, I will do. So I will do." Afterward, at evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. During the night, Satash caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between the thighs of Har. Har placed his hands between his thighs and received the semen of Satash."

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  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 19, 2024

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 2

    August 19, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 2

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August 20, 2024
  • Going forth of Seth with His followers to the eastern horizon

    August 20, 2024

    Going forth of Satash (Seth) with His followers to the eastern horizon

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  • Good, Morning Day and Night

    August 20, 2024

    Offer praise to Hw (Authoritative Utterance) and Sia' (Divine thought)

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 3

    August 20, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 3

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  • Thoth is in the presence of Ra

    August 20, 2024

    Djahutya (Thoth) is in the presence of R'a (Sun God)

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  • Written communication of order of reconciliation of the wadja'at eye

    August 20, 2024

    Written communication of order of reconciliation of the wadja'at eye (fractions of the whole)

    In ancient Egypt, the wadja'at eye was used to represent fractions. Each part of the eye was a fraction of the whole number.

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August 21, 2024
  • Combative Morning, Good Day, Combative Night

    August 21, 2024

    Anyone born on this day will die of skin-sash

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  • Going forth of Inpw for the pure amulet for protection of the divine limbs

    August 21, 2024

    Going forth of Inpw (Anubis) for wabat (pure) amulet for protection of the divine limbs.

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 4

    August 21, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 4

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August 22, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    August 22, 2024

    Do not copulate with a woman. Anyone born on this day will die of copulation.

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  • Day of encouragement of the Natjrw

    August 22, 2024

    Day of encouragement of the Natjrw (gods)

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  • Festival of Montu

    August 22, 2024

    Festival of Manatju (Montu)
    Manatju is a Natjar (god) that rose to prominence with the 11th dynasty Pharaohs at Wa'asat (Thebes) He is usually depicted as a falcon headed man, but also can be a sacred bull known as the Buchis, or a bull headed man.

    Manatju is primarily a military war Natjar and patron of the militant Pharaohs of the New Kingdom. Also, he was patron of the Madja'yu (Medjay), originally an ethnic group from Nubia, but eventually was culturally absorbed into ancient Egypt to form a special forces unit of the military and paramilitary police unit during the New Kingdom.

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 5

    August 22, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 5

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August 23, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 23, 2024

    Anyone born on this day will die of drunkenness

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  • II A'akhat Manakhat Day 6

    August 23, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Mankhat - cloth. Day 6

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  • Ra is in heaven, the gods are pacified in his presence.

    August 23, 2024

    R'a (sun god) is in heaven, the Natjaru (gods) are pacified in his presence.

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  • The Ennead gives praise in front of the Nab ra Djar

    August 23, 2024

    The Pasadjat war (Great Ennead) gives praise in front of the Nab ra Djar (Lord of the End, itamu (Atum)).

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August 24, 2024
  • Combative, Morning, Day and Night

    August 24, 2024

    Anyone born on this day will die in foreign lands.

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 7

    August 24, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 7

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  • The children of Badasa are in the east.

    August 24, 2024
    the east.

    The children of Badasa (rebel-serpent) are in the east.

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  • The return of Ra on the necks of the foreigners.

    August 24, 2024

    The return of R'a (sun god) on the necks of the foreigners.

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August 25, 2024
  • Good, Morning, Day and Night

    August 25, 2024

    Anything you see will be good.

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  • II A'khat Manakhat Day 8

    August 25, 2024

    Second Month of the Season A'khat - Inundation. Month of Manakhat - cloth. Day 8

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