A name meaning “House of Horus,” Hwt Hr is the mother or consort of Hr Horus.
Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Culture
A name meaning “House of Horus,” Hwt Hr is the mother or consort of Hr Horus.
Archaeological Origin The Palermo Stone named after the city in Italy where it is currently in residence, this artifact is a fragment of a larger…
Instruction of Ptahhotep is an ancient literary work attributed to Ptahhotep, a vizier under King Isesi of the Egyptian Fifth Dynasty ca. 2414-2375 BCE. It…
The Ptolemaic era story of the book of Thoth, written by the god of knowledge and writing and the prince’s son Nefer-ka-ptah, whose obsession with…
Shu is the son of Ra and the god of wind, air, and light.
A discussion of the sun-God Ra or Re, the concepts of his essence, the prominence of his worship, myths, and hymns.