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Fighting Pharaohs: Weapons and Warfare of Ancient Egypt

 Author: Robert B. Partridge  Category: Warfare  Publisher: Peartree Publishing More Details


Fighting Pharaohs looks at:
Enemies and Allies
War gods
Structure and organization of the military
Soldiers in peacetime
The daily life of the soldier
Siege warfare and fortification
Military campaigns of the pharaohs span the entire history of ancient Egypt.

Robert Partridge lectures on Egyptology for the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Manchester, and to specialist Egyptology Societies around the United Kingdom. He is on the Committee of the Northern Branch of the Egypt Exploration Society, Chairman of the Manchester Ancient Egypt Society, and runs the Ancient Egypt Picture Library.

Other works include Faces of Pharaohs and Transport in Ancient Egypt and has also contributed many articles to Egyptological and archaeological publications.
Partridge does an excellent job of thoroughly covering every topic and gives in-depth information on subtopics like the Nubians, Libyans, and Bedouins. Weapon materials like stone, metal, and leather. Weapons like spears, maces, and the bow and arrow. Recruitment, military dress, and training. Campaigns of all the individual eras are discussed, from the unification to Qadesh, Invasion of the sea peoples to Octavian.

This is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about the warfare of the Egyptians and gives good inspiration to any military reconstructionist or historian.

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